Storm på Nordatlanten, 1964. På Nordatlanten på väg till Baltimore i USA. På den tiden var MS Wasaborg världens största styckegodsfartyg. Vi hamnade i en storm som varade i flera dagar och  som gick hårt åt skeppet. Bland annat slets babords reling loss vilket syns i vänsterkanten av fotografiet.
på MS Wasaborg.


Storm on the North Atlantic, 1964. On the North Atlantic on our way to Baltimore in the US. At that time, MS Wasaborg was the world's largest cargo ship. We ended up in a storm that lasted for several days and that took a heavy toll on the ship. On the port side of the ship, the railing was torn loose which can be seen on the left side of the photograph.


Pierre Zoetterman, 2012